
FDA Scientific Workshop: Osteoporosis Drug Development – Moving Forward

WHAT : Discuss  clinical development of drugs and therapeutic biologics for osteoporosis treatment. 

WHEN : November 4,  2015, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

WHERE: FDA White Oak Campus

WHO : Contact[email protected].

REDi new

Regulatory Education for Industry (REdI): Prescription Drug Labeling – Challenges and Issues conference in person or virtually.

WHAT Prescription Drug Labeling – Challenges and Issues

–  Developing the prescribing information 

– Safety considerations to minimize medication errors,

– Patient labeling (e.g., Patient Medication Information), and

– Promotional aspects of labeling.

WHEN : November 3-4,  2015, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

WHEREBethesda Marriott, Pooks Hill, MD

WHO : Contact

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